Our Curriculum
It is important to know how to use momentum when you’re trying to defend yourself. With the power of momentum, you can determine how fast you need to be moving in order to get your opponent moving, or at least knock them off balance. Both types of collisions can help you in martial arts if you know what they are and how to harness it.
Striking with Foot/Kicks
A kick is known to be more powerful than a punch, however, if you just try to kick without any technique, you stand the chance to injure yourself. We teach all our students the correct and proper kicking techniques to prevent them from injuring themselves.
Striking with Hand/Punch
We often take for granted the ability to strike or punch with our hands. Learning how to correctly strike with your hands is one of the more important techniques to master. We teach our students these techniques so that they can perfect their punches.
For children to be able to imagine, they must use information that is stored in the brain (things they remember and understand). When imagining occurs, there is a recombining of details in a new way. Along with fostering language, adults can cultivate children’s imaginative play by using props, materials, and photographs, anything to spark a connection between memories and newly imagined ideas. We place great value on memory training, making use of visual, audio and tactile (touch) cues.
It is great if you are gifted, but talent alone is not enough to become a professional in any activity. You need proper goal-directed training to achieve good results as well as a perfect, flawless technique for the specific activity. Any athlete, even the most talented one, needs a coach, who mastered modern methods on athlete preparation, who has information on all the techniques in the sport and who can teach these techniques to his students. We boast with a Top-Class coach who is loved by his students as well as being up to date with new techniques and developments in the sport.
Fear stops so many people from achieving the things that they want to do. As humans, we have a build in ‘fight or flight’ mechanism. This mechanism has been developed over ages to protect people from threats such as wild animals. However, these days, we do not have to worry about being eaten by animals. However, doubt and fear that comes with this mechanism can eat at us from the inside out. This is where courage comes into play. By learning how to overcome this doubt and fear, we can set ourselves free to live a fearless life.

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Traditional Martial Arts
With a fresh and modern twist
We offer age specific classes starting from as young as 4 years old with senior classes starting at age 14 and all the way up to 99 years old.