Silver Lions Martial Arts
We offer age specific classes starting from as young as 4 years old with senior classes starting at age 14 and all the way up to 99 years old.
What we offer
We offer training to 4 Age groups
Other offers
Apart from our Martial Arts Training we offer 2 Senior Fitness Classes per week. These are for ages 15 and older. These classes are fitness only and do not include any technique training at all. They are however a perfect addition to the Kickboxing classes to get yourself fighting fit.
We are also working on a new fitness program for Fridays. More on this later
Where we started
Our Testimonials
Always Have Something Nice to Say About Us

My name Sipho and these are the 3 things u helped with : you inspired me to be my best even though nobody inspired me and you help with my fighting technique;forms and my bostaff form and I went there as a beginner and I lost u taught that losing is not that bad u said it’s what we learn from losing and when I lost I cried but u were the only person who helped me and encourage me. You really are really my hero thx for everything you have done
— Sipho